Art and design

Katie and the Waterlilies and Katie and the sunflowers Two Week plan
A two week English plan based on the books Katie and the Waterlilies and Katie and the sunflowers by James Mayhew. Most suited for KS1 pupils.

D.T. Making an outfit for a doll
7 week's D.T textiles planning based on designing, making and evaluating an outfit for a doll. Most suited for a year one or year two class but could be adapted for KS2.

Fairy Tale D.T. Planning
7 weeks of D.T, planning based in the theme of Fairy Tales. Children to make Red Riding Hood Character Puppets, Little Pig Houses and Gingerbread men. Most suited to KS1.

Making a Rainmaker
Powerpoint and writing scaffold for making and writing instructions for a Rainmaker. Good for D.T. and English.